
๐Ÿ’ผย  Registration & Certificates

๐Ÿ’ผย  Registration & Certificates

There are some documents that you hope you will never need to show, but in the event of an emergency, you will be grateful that they are up-to-date and available. This section of the portfolio contains all of the evidence that you are licensed to practice and prescribe, and have the correct indemnity cover to do so. Lawsuits can be brought against you over 18 years after the date of an incident, so you must retain old certificates and documents.

In this section of your portfolio you should include:

GMC Certificates

The GMC issues a range of certificates including certificates of provisional and full registration, proof of entry on the register, certificates of current professional status or good standing, and specialist or general practice certificates.

GMC Proof of Entry Certificate

This document shows your name and the registration status held at the time that the certificate was issued. You can view and print this document directly from your GMC Online account.

Login to your GMC Online account and from the left-hand menu choose "My Registration", then select "View certificate".

Medical Protection / Medical Defense Documents

You should always ensure that you have valid medicolegal protection. Whenever your scope-of-work changes, you should contact your medical defense union to provide them with the most up-to-date details on your role.

Not only should you retain evidence of your own up-to-date personal indemnity insurance through MDU, MDDUS, MPS, or equivalent, but it is worth retaining historical evidence of cover in the event that you are contacted about an old case that may not be covered by your current liability insurance.

Resus Council Training Certificates

All of your Resus Council Training Certificates should be stored in this section. This would include ALS, ILS, ATLS, PILS and APLS certificates. BLS certificates are part of mandatory training and would be stored with your Mandatory and Statutory Training (MAST) record.

Prescribing Safety Assessment Certificate (PSA)

The PSA examination is a requirement of foundation doctors and is often completed prior to starting F1. You cannot prescribe in the UK without having taken this assessment. It is important to maintain a copy of this certificate for future reference.